thermal precipitation

英 [ˈθɜːml prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn] 美 [ˈθɜːrml prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn]

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  1. Structures of a thermal convective precipitation system happened in controlling of the western subtropical Pacific high
  2. Effect of Rapid Thermal Processing on Oxygen Precipitation Behavior in Czochralski Silicon
  3. Thermal deformation induces the precipitation of MC-type carbides of NaCl crystal-type;
  4. The evolution of basin was divided into four stages: the filling clastic rocks in the back-arc basin in the early stage, the thermal precipitation in the late stage;
  5. The action of multilayer weld thermal cycle, as the postweld heat treatment, causes the carbon diffusion and carbide precipitation etc, in weld bond of former welding layer.
  6. The bad heat resistance of Mg-Al based alloys is due to the poor thermal stability of Mg_ ( 17) Al_ ( 12) phase and its discontinuous precipitation at elevated temperature.
  7. Thermal degradation of organic materials resulted in the generation of CH4 which further initiated the reduction of sulfates and the precipitation of sulfides.
  8. Furthermore, they are similar to the mesoscale convective complex ( MCC), which appears frequently in the central part of the United States during the warm season ( March to September), in the thermal structure, distribution of precipitation and the process of generation and development.
  9. The result shows that the thermal condition of the tropical seas is an important factor in affecting the variability of the Asian monsoon circulation and precipitation.
  10. The formula about the water content and the thermal conductivity of pig liver was found. Precipitation impacts runoff greatly, but the effect has lessened.
  11. The characteristics, results, research and development as well as development trends of different processes like surface chemical thermal treatment, gas phase precipitation, surface spray and surface composition are introduced.
  12. The addition of Si 3N 4 particles to carbon fiber reinforced silica composite increases the mechanical properties, but decreases the thermal properties of the composite because of the precipitation of tridymite.
  13. The main factors influencing the viscoelasticity are the thermal, shear history of waxy crude oil and wax precipitation characteristics.
  14. The effects of high temperature treatment by conventional furnace annealing and rapid thermal processing ( RTP) on the dissolution and the re-growth behavior of oxygen precipitation in Czochralski ( CZ) silicon wafers are investigated.
  15. The unstable stratification in the lower troposphere was a necessary thermal stratification condition for convective precipitation;
  16. Carbon extraction replica analysis were carried out on the specimen in Ti microalloyed steel which is subjected to different stage of the welding thermal cycle so as to study the dissolution, coarsening and precipitation of TiN particle in Ti microalloyed steel during different stage of welding thermal cycle.
  17. It is recommended that a constant thermal value of wax precipitation for crude oils with unknown molecular structure should be 210 Jg.
  18. Application of Thermal Analysis on the Studies of Wax Precipitation Process in Crude Oil
  19. Effect of Rapid Thermal Processing on Oxygen Precipitation in Czochralski Silicon Subjected to Simulating CMOS Thermal Processing
  20. Thermal deformation and precipitation of carbides result in the increase of dislocation submicrostructure in the microstructure of steel deformed and quenched.
  21. Isotope geochemistry in thermal water ( 1) Hydrogen and oxygen isotope ① The cold groundwater, thermal water, and surface water samples are all plot along the global meteoric water line, indicating those water samples are recharged by precipitation.
  22. Thermal preservation results in denaturation of soybean proteins and precipitation of beverage containing soybean proteins, thus affects the quality of products. Disruption of nature proteins structure can affect their physicochemical and functional properties. Low thermal does completely remove the rancid off-flavor and antinutritional factors.
  23. All the experimental results were demonstrated as follows: 1. We report the preparation on urchin-like ZnO microspheres by thermal decomposition of hydrozincite. The hydrozincite was synthesized by homogeneous precipitation of zinc nitrate and urea in the presence of a nonionic surfactant polyethylene glycol.